Bethany Tennant, ND
September represents a new season and the return of schedule and routine. Unfortunately, it often includes exposure to collective germs as everyone returns to the office or classroom after summer travels. This can lead to head colds and stomach aches soon after the first week of school. While you can’t control all that you or your children will be exposed to, you can support your immune system to prevent illness.
● Avoid highly processed foods that include sugar, salt, and omega6 fatty acids that reduce immune function. Incorporate as many fresh whole foods and produce while limiting frozen, packaged or canned items.
● Increase immune supporting vitamins and minerals. Vitamin A, betacarotene, folate, vitamin B12, vitamin C, vitamin D, riboflavin, iron, copper, zinc, and selenium impact how your immune system fights bacterial infections. Be sure to include colorful fruits and veggies to ensure vitamin and mineral intake.
● Emphasize zinc intake this is a mineral found in oysters, chicken and beef as well as almonds. It plays an important role in production of your first line of defense, neutrophils and Natural Killer Cells.
● Hydrate! Increasing water intake and reducing sugary juices, soda and alcohol will also improves immune function.
● Gut check! Incorporate fermented foods in your diet such as kimchi, sauerkraut, tempeh, kefir or yogurt. Maintaining a healthy gut “flora” allows for optimal immune function.
● Create routine and schedule in regular exercise. Think of just 1 hour per week, in three sessions of 20 minutes each, minimum.
● Moving your muscles is how your body allows for lymph movement, an important component of immune function. Lifestyle
Mindfulness and Meditation: for optimized immune function, find ways to slow down your day.
Stress Management: exercise, chamomile tea, time with animals, being outdoors, or just recreation can help with immune function and lower systemic inflammation.
Sleep: ensuring one gets enough restful sleep can improve immune function
● Vitamin D: get natural light if possible, eat foods high in vitamin D such as mushrooms or find a supplement to help with immune support. Be sure to take care of your body as it prepares to take care of you through the cold and flu season! Stay ahead of the bugs by preparing your immune system to function optimally